Colombia Indigenous Kogui Mamos Expedition

Mamo Jose Gabriel Alimako,  Kogui
The Great Gathering copyright.

Colombia Indigenous Kogui Mamos Sept 2014 Expedition

Project name: Indigenous Mamos expedition. (Completed)
Project number: CE002
Date: August/September 2014 (Completed)
Location: La Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta. Colombia
Summary: Most indigenous communities that are still following an ancient way or life, or, carrying on sacred ceremonies, to gain understanding and trust takes time. We have traveled to Colombia 9 times in the past visiting the people of La Sierra for the purpose of culturally supporting them in their way of life. The intent of this journey was to ask the people: What do you need and how may we serve you?

How many people will this project support?
The number of people this project will support will be determined by our future work together in preserving and supporting this indigenous culture. It will reach future generations.

The issue
In order to support and solve the issues of our world we need the knowledge of indigenous cultures that still have a close relationship with the natural world. We seek to bring knowledge forward on how we can support nature through the eyes of communities such as this.

The solution
As a global society as we begin to work with culturally intact traditional, indigenous people, we support our own future as one human family. The knowledge that is held within these communities can guide us through this challenging time on the planet, thus, preserving life for all of us.

UPDATE 2015: 
We have been able to support the people of the region by connecting people for the purpose of charity after a crisis in one of the remote communities. We have also worked to facilitate meetings between the Mamos and tribes of traditional people in North America. New projects have been started to support the people of the region to support their culture.

Colombian Mamos Gathering Sponsorship

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