South Africa KhoiSan Cultural Exchange

KhoiSan King

South Africa KhoiSan Cultural Exchange 

Date: 2009 (TGG had an ongoing relationship with the KhoiSan from this initial meeting.)
Location: South Africa
Summary: For many years now TGG has built a relationship with the KhoiSan people of South Africa. The purpose was to gain a deeper understanding of who the KhoiSan are as a people and communicate directly with them for the purpose of cultural exchange and education.

How many people will this project support?
The actual number of KhoiSan is not known in South Africa. When the land was originally colonized the KhoiSan were not recognized as human beings and therefore they have never been recognized as a people. TGG approximates the KhoiSan as being in the hundreds of thousands or close to a million people.

The issue: We are seeking to continue to support the KhoiSan in their effort to share their wisdom with each other and the world. We also support the people to maintain the language and culture by giving them tools to travel and document the history, language, culture and beliefs of the KhoiSan.

The solution: When people anywhere in the world are not recognized because of the color of their skin or any other differences it becomes the problem of the world as this creates separation. By supporting the KhoiSan Leaders and people we create an environment for people to grow spiritually, economically, and culturally.

Potential long term impact: The Stronger the KhoiSan are economically and educationally, the greater ability they will have to share their knowledge within their own culture, and with the world.

List of needs: Within the KhoiSan community, they have chosen liaisons to represent their people. TGG is committed to supply these designated liaisons with the computer equipment needed to enable them to do their jobs. Support with funding to travel for the purpose of cultural exchange and education is also what we will provide with your donations.

Volunteers: There are no volunteers needed at this time.

FOLLOW UP ON THIS PROJECT: Since we began our relationship with the KhoiSan we have been able to support the people in gathering together. This was the first time in their history that many of these Leaders met. We paid for vehicles and travel expenses which gave them strength to continue working together in unity for their people.

In 2013 the KhoiSan people were for the first time in their history recognized as a people in their own land. They were given recognition and given positions of representation within the Government of South Africa. They have also been told that the lands that were taken from them in the past will be returned to them.

We continue to support traditional people of the KhoiSan to protect and maintain the culture and traditions of their people.

Meeting one of the KhoiSan Leaders


The women of the KhoiSan in South Africa.


Here is one of the KhoiSan. It that took four of us on this journey around South Africa to meet with the leaders of the KhoiSan people. Representatives of the KhoiSan are pictured here with the President of South Africa.

Petrus Vaalbaai(co-leader of khomani San) and President Jacob Zuma

12:05:2013 Chief Stanley

Photography by The Great Gathering

Copyright The Great Gathering 2014©

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