Using Reusable Grocery Bags Saves the Environment

Virtually every time you go to the store, you’re handed a plastic bag in which to carry your groceries or other goods, but have you ever thought about what those plastic bags do to the environment? Some estimates indicate that about 500 billion plastic bags are used around the world each year.
Although more environmentally conscious people will collect their plastic bags and send them to a recycling center, only a small percentage are actually recycled. The rest either end up in a landfill or float around the environment to pollute natural habitats. The virtually endless lifespan of plastic, which can take centuries to break down, is one of the reasons why plastic bags are so dangerous.
Why Plastic Bags are So Problematic
Harm to Animals Both aquatic and terrestrial animals suffer harm from plastic bags as they eat them, and when this occurs, it can kill them. Cows are particularly prone to eating plastic bags that end up on their grazing grounds. Plastic bags don’t break down in the intestinal tracks of cows and other animals, leading to intestinal obstructions. They can also be poisoned by the chemicals used to manufacture the bags as well as chemicals that the bags may have come into contact with while in the environment. For other animals, the bags stay in their stomachs, making them feel full and causing them to slowly starve to death.
Seat turtles are another species that are prone to ingesting plastic bags because they mistake them for jellyfish. A recent study conducted by the University of Queensland in Australia determined that approximately 52 percent of the world’s sea turtles have eaten plastic, much of it in the form of bags.
Clogged Sewer Systems When plastic bags fly around in urban areas, they eventually find their way into sewer systems thanks to rain runoff. Once in the sewers, they form clumps with other types of debris, including grease, tree roots and the like, which can ultimately lead to sewer backups and overflows, which can cause damage to houses, streets and more until the drains and sewers can be cleared. Blocked sewer pipes can also disrupt the flow of water through watersheds and leave wetlands temporarily robbed of the moisture required to sustain life.
Aesthetic Pollution Debris such as plastic bags and jugs and more affect the aesthetics of a natural area, which in turn reduces the calming benefits that natural landscapes have on many different people.
Alternatives to Plastic Bags
The best way to prevent plastic bags from entering the environment is to not use them at all. Many stores sell reusable bags that you can take to the store. You can also support the efforts of The Great Gathering by purchasing one of our own reusable bags. Other alternatives include finding bags you already have in your possession to use while shopping, or do what many Europeans do and carry a backpack for your purchases. Whatever you choose, the most important outcome is eliminating your consumption of plastic bags to save the environment.