Our Nonprofit is a registered 501c3. Tax ID#27-4844681
Non Religious / Non Political / Non Governmental

Creating change one person at a time.

What We Do

Solutions through grass roots projects.


Our Events Your Events

We support Events that share knowledge and information to build a positive world.

Social Exchange

Social Exchange

Working to provide a means of dialogue with groups across the world.

Environmental Projects

Environmental Projects

Assisting communities in cleaning their environment.

Economic Development

Economic Development

Providing modern technology for communities to expand economic growth.

Cultural Exchange

Cultural Exchange

Enabling the world’s ancient indigenous cultures to communicate needs.


Community Development

Community Development

Our Community Development Projects build several projects at the same time to restore
sustainability and function.

FEATURE PROJECT: Mercy Say Yes Preschool Namibia

Intentions: Sharing Articles That Inspire and Educate

Our Nonprofit Tree Planting Project

Our team is working with the the San Bushman of Namibia to support them with water, food growing projects, conservation & cultural preservation. With your generous support, we support one of the oldest cultures in the world.

Your DONATIONS make this work possible.

Massai Mothers in Kenya Need Water

TGG Swag

coffee mug The Great Gathering
Baseball caps
Zip Hoodies
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Contact Us

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